Monday, January 30, 2006

Two of three repeats done on the second sleeve of Durrow, but the last ball of yarn has gone missing and I'm not sure I am ready to do the kind of cleaning that may be neccesary to find it.

I broke the rules last night and started a pair of mittens for Abigail. A boy at the beach had mittens his mother made and I felt like a bad mother and a bad knitter for not having knit any for Abby. By tomorrow she should have a great pair of alligators to cover her little fingers.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Things are undone. I mean not done, not finished. Things are not finished.

The purple flower sweater is stopped mid-row. Fallen baby. The cabled sleeve is upstairs next to where the boys won't go to sleep. The blue blanket will never be done and is barely worth mentioning. The tan notch-neck hasn't been worked on since long before Christmas when I realized I needed to get going on gifts. Abigail's sunrise jacket is bothering me right now. Too many loose ends when I feel like I have too many loose ends. The purple booble-dress could be done, I guess, and would serve another purpose: a gift for the baby girl of a friend.

That's what I will work on. Maybe then I can call something done.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Seems like olives are a good idea--with or without knitting needle picks. Who is going to record bits--or all (depending)--of the conversations that take place at knitting? Like minutes. We need minutes.

Takers? A non or perhaps soon-to-be knitter? GC, will you do it?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Trying to do what I know I should do. Clean the kitchen. Finish mittens. Pay bills.

Wanting to do things I shouldn't. Start new projects. Lots of new projects. Wanting to use hand-dyes wool and sock yarn. Wanting to start something fair isle. Anything fair isle.

We'll see how long I can hold out.